Welcome to HUSKY MMA!

Spring Schedule
Equipemnt List

What We Do

We are a student run MMA team seeking the growth of all martial arts at the University of Washington. Coming from a Bruce Lee lineage, it is part of our mission to separate martial arts from the institutions they are attached to and liberate the art that lies beneath. Although not affiliated, many of our members are students at the University of Washington. We are focused on developing the different skills necessary to participate in combat sports. We practice everything from wrestling to Muay Thai in a safe, practical environment in the IMA. The team at Husky MMA is dedicated to building up our member's physical and mental capabilities. Come train with us today!


This club is open to all students at UW, no previous experience or gear required. If you're not a student at UW, you are more than welcome to come train with us as we'd love to have you. All classes are free and members pay no club dues.

Interested in joining the club? Please fill out this google form.

Equipment List:

Recommended Gear : Boxing Gloves, MMA Gloves, Thai Pads, Shin Guards